You have a business idea. You believe in its potential to make a profit and eventually grow. Having your own business may seem exciting at first. You have your own time, and you keep all the money. What you may have yet to realize is successful businesses start...
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Forward-Thinking Approach
Business Formation & Planning
What is needed to get a liquor license in Oregon?
There are many Oregon businesses where serving alcohol is a key part of the business model - Restaurants, bars, venues, and breweries to name a few. For alcohol to be consumed in a business, however, there are certain legal requirements that must be met. Specifically,...
Top tips for business succession planning
Often, Oregon business owners understand the importance of succession planning but end up leaving it to “someday.” After all, busy business owners can have so many immediate, pressing matters to attend to. However, the truth is that leaving succession plans until...
Tips for effective investor communications
Maintaining strong, above-board communication with investors makes business sense. Besides the fact that it can keep value strong and keep lucrative relationships afloat, clear communication with investors is a legal requirement for businesses. Here are some tips...
The 4 types of buy-sell agreements
Buy-sell agreements are a critical tool for Oregon entrepreneurs and proprietors of all kinds. These agreements help to ensure that the business or businesses an owner worked so hard to build are properly transitioned when they are no longer able to run them due to...
Tips for involving non-family stakeholders in succession planning
Succession planning advice often revolves around family issues and dynamics, but for many businesses, stakeholders outside of the family may also come into play. This is particularly true for those who have non-family members in executive positions within their...
Tips for discussing a merger with employees
For a business owner, a merger can be great news, as it is a chance to grow the business, open up to new markets and increase profits. But, for employees, the news of a merger can be scary or off-putting. They may wonder what the future holds for them personally and...
How to get a liquor license in Oregon
There are many types of businesses that may be interested in holding a liquor license, from breweries and distilleries to restaurants and pubs. To sell and serve alcohol as a business, it is necessary to apply for a liquor license from the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis...
Tips for finding a buyer when selling a business
For many Oregon business owners, selling their company is something they look forward to with great anticipation, eager to cash in on their hard entrepreneurial work. For others, it is something entered tentatively with hopes of finding the right fit for a beloved...
Potential legal issues with trademarks and domain names
When someone is considering starting a new business in Oregon, a plan must be executed and numerous issues resolved before the dream becomes a reality. Choosing a URL or domain name for a website is an integral component of the startup phase in business. Most...